
On Sunday mornings, we spend time in God’s Word to learn how to worship and how to live. We strive to find a balance between Old Testament book studies, New Testament book studies, and topic series. We believe life is lived best when we follow God’s plan.

In the pages below, you can find video of the worship services and audio and sermon notes for the sermons.

Since 2012, Pastor Mark has preached series on Colossians, life of Abraham, 1 Timothy, the Heart of Worship, life of Joseph, the Gospel of Mark, Generosity, the Names of God, Prayer, the Letters of John, life of Moses, 1 Peter, Joshua, Hebrews, life of Samuel, life of David, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, selected Psalms, life and ministry of Elijah & Elisha, and several topical series. You can find the audio files and sermon outlines on Pastor Mark’s blog – Sermon Archives – Audio & Outlines | On Target ( along with video of worship services from March 2020 onward at Sermon Archives – Video | On Target (